What Motivates You?

This blog post is taken from my book Golden Nuggets, and I’d like to start out by asking you a couple of questions.

My 1st question is: “What is it that motivates you?”

My 2nd question is, “What is it that you’re passionate about?”

Without passion, there’s no energy, there’s very little motivation, and for the most part, there simply isn’t any real life.

I think it’s safe to say that you’ll never reach your full potential until you find your passion.

Find something that you like about your current job and use it as motivation to excel at work, and if you can’t find something that you like about your current job, then change jobs.

Once you’ve figured out what you like about your current job, learn all that you can about your chosen profession, and become excellent at what you do.

If you don’t like anything about your chosen profession, then you won’t find the time that it takes to learn new things and become excellent.

Each one of us has the same 24 hours per day, and we all find the time to do that which we really want to do.

With this in mind, figure out what it is that motivates you, and do your best to align that with whatever it is that you do for a living.