Sowing And Reaping

This blog post is taken from my book Golden Nuggets, and it’s simply a collection of my thoughts concerning the law of “Sowing and Reaping.”

And to begin with, Sowing always comes first.

You may not be the one who did the Sowing, but in order to Reap, something had to be Sown.

What was Sown can be Positive or it can be Negative, and what you Reap will be determined by what was Sown.

In other words, the Law of Sowing and Reaping can be viewed as a promise or it can be viewed as a threat.

You Reap in a Different Season than you Sow.

(You don’t Reap immediately after you Sow – it takes time.)

You Reap More than you Sow, and you Reap In Proportion to what you Sow.

The more Seeds you Sow, the Greater the Harvest, and there are times when your actions will affect the Harvest.

Let’s use a Garden as an example…

You’ll Reap a Better Harvest if you Use Fertilizer, you’ll Reap a Better Harvest if you Prepare the Ground, and you’ll Reap a Better Harvest if you Keep it Free of Weeds.

In other words, you have a direct impact on the return that you get when you plant seeds.

And finally, you can’t do anything about Last Year’s Harvest, but you can do something about this year’s Harvest, so learn from the past, plan for the future, and live in the present.